Published works
by Lauren Shufran

Select publications & journals
Full-length books:
The Buddha and the Bard (Mandala Publishing, 2022)
Full-length poetry collections:
Inter Arma (Fence Books, 2013)
Poems in anthologies:
"I Sing the Body Electric," Best American Experimental Writing (Wesleyan UP, 2018)
"From 'Walt Whitman's Inscriptions,'" Postmodern Culture 26.3 (2016)
Scholarly articles:
"The Buddha and the Bard: On Shakespeare and Mindfulness." Shakespeare and Wisdom: Ecumenical, Ecological and Ethical Horizons, ed. Unhae Park Langis and Julia Reinhard Lupton. Edinburgh University Press, 2024.
"At Wit's End: Philip Sidney, Akrasia, and the Postlapsarian Limits of Reason and Will." Studies in Philology 115.4 (Fall 2018).
"'Till I in hand her yet halfe trembling tooke': Doctrines of Justification in Edmund Spenser’s Amoretti." Renaissance and Reformation 41.1 (Jan. 2018).
"'From despaire to new election': Predestination and Astrological Determinism in Fulke Greville's Caelica," Sidney Journal 35.1-2 (2017).
Unhae Park Langis, "The Buddha and the Bard: Widening the Horizons of Art, Ethics, and Ecumenism," Religion and the Arts 27.3 (June 2023).
Judith Goldman, "Lauren Shufran's 'Walt Whitman's Inscriptions,'" Postmodern Culture 26.3 (2016)